Monday, December 2, 2013

Vietnam's Next Top Model Cycle 4 9th Episode : Wanna Be On Top

Original Airdate : December 1, 2013

Full 9th Ep

Challenge : Canifa Fashion

Cha Mi

Dai Tran

Hang Nguyen

Kian Le

Quan Duong

Thuy Mau

Viet Vu
Photo Shoot : Wanna Be On Top

Cha Mi
She looks stunning and so elegant and her body looks so model ready in this picture...

Dai Tran
 What are u doing? It's not modelesque and scary...

Hang Nguyen
Gorgeous and so regal! Her face looks amazing and her body language looks so great... well done Hang... give the crown already!

Kian Le
I'm tired with him... O My God...

Quan Duong
Weak face, weak gesture... weak shot overall...

Thuy Mau
Beautiful and graceful... Slay all the boys!

Viet Vu
Although Viet does produce good shots, he tends to look similar in all of them... same face week after week

First call out : Cha Mi
Call out order : Thuy Mau, Kian Le (??), Viet Vu, Hang Nguyen (what??)
Bottom two : Dai Tran & Quan Duong
Eliminated : Dai Tran

Such a weak season photography-wise. The photo editor need to fired! Photoshop skill is so failed, i think i can do better than this editing... Girls are killing boys for like 4th week in a row. And at this point I wouldn't be upset if it was an all female final 3. I would eliminate Dai Tran & Kian Le in double elimination!
 My call out order : Cha Mi, Hang Nguyen, Thuy Mau >>>>>>>>> Viet Vu, Quan Duong, Dai Tran (out) & Kian Le (out)

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