Thursday, December 4, 2014

ANTM cycle 21 episode 13: "Some Like It Fraught"

Previously on America’s Next Top Model, the models hit the streets of Korea for a new round of go-sees. While Keith and Lenox were a sight for behold, Will and Chantelle were looked over by the clients. In the end, Keith became the face of success in Korea. Afterwards, they participated in an advertisement for Jinny Kim shoes at the Gyeongbokgung Palace. The client fell head over heels for Keith, but Adam failed to put his best foot forward. Ultimately, Chantelle got the boot for her unwillingness to let loose. Now, only five models remain. Who will be eliminated tonight?

When the models return to the house, Keith is very excited to see his photo being displayed as digital art. He’s thankful that Tyra was able to appreciate his manaconda modelling talents and give him another best picture. In addition to this, he also is awarded a box of “goodies” for his Tyra Treat. A collection of Tyra’s nudes? Anal beads?

Oh, it’s just some Korean candy. Still, Keith likes the gesture and thanks Tyra. I don’t know, Keith. Given Tyra’s recent desire for children, I would tread cautiously when accepting this strange present.

Mangers With Candy

Nevertheless, the models partake in breaking bread now that “the crust has been cut”. Lenox is especially glad that Chantelle is gone because she has less direction competition. Shei is also aware of this fact and vows to work even harder to reach the finale.

After their celebration, the final five meet with Miss Jay. He announces that they will take part in filming a Korean soap opera. They will be directed by Emergency Room actors Clara and Yoon Jong-hoon. 

Overall, the models are excited to learn their lines. Keith is worried that he doesn’t have the best memory and might not remember all of his cues (must be the head concussions from all of those intense football games, huh?)

Adam, on the other hand, boasts about his ability to memorize these facts. Within two minutes (his speciality), Adam has read all of the dialogue and stresses that he has no trouble with the lines. As long as he doesn’t have to walk in a straight one, that is…

Lenox is the first one to shoot with Yoon. At first, she is comfortable in her chemistry with the man; but then her confidence wavers. In a desperate plea to please Tyra, Lenox doesn’t give up. Even if it means stopping the filming every couple of seconds to ask for help, Lenox wants to show the judges her commitment to this competition. Give me the line please, she pleas. Line. Line. Line App.

Attagirl, Lenox! Now that she has secured herself a spot in the finale, Lenox watches the other models struggle in this Korean soap opera challenge.

During her shoot, Shei tried to connect to Yoon, but couldn’t get the right amount of chemistry. Miss Jay says that her nerves are inhibiting her ability to “focus on the task”. Likewise, Keith has some troubles staying in character. When he first starts shooting, he can’t match Clara. By the end however, he is able to keep both his lines and character tight.

After he confidently boasted backstage, Adam is ready to shoot with Clara. As soon as the cameras start to roll, Adam forgets all of his lines. Too bad “Korean Soap Operas” isn’t an SAT category, Adam! Still, he manages to remain cocky during the shoot. Somehow, Clara finds this alluring and says that Adam did well.

From loving cocky to just loving cock, Will is last on set. Even though he has a firm grasp of the lines, Clara is upset that he couldn’t “form a bond with her”. What do you expect Clara? As Will so eloquently puts it, “Sweetheart, I don’t like girls. So the fact that you want me to have an emotional connection to you is not possible.”Well, it still shouldn’t be too difficult for a gay man to feel attracted to Clara. As long as she’s a man about it, I don’t really see the problem... 

In the end, Clara and Yoon decide that Keith was the least awful of the bunch. He is given the challenge win by default. The other models are angry that Keith is winning all of these consecutive challenges but like his attitude on the court, Keith loves to hog the wins. Adam promises that next time, he’ll upstage Keith and take the coveted win away from him.


When they return to the house, the models are greeted with their challenge scores. Shei was very close to the top, boasting an 8. Lenox is eager to do well in the photoshoot, having the lowest score of the five models left.

The next day, the models are taken to the Gangnam District where they meet up Tyra and Yu Tsai. Tyra announces that they will be posing as some iconic American pop culture figures: Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. In addition, they have a new photographer: Massimo Campana.

What happened to Eric Asla? Was Tyra’s forehead foreplay not enough for him? Whatever the reason, the models will be shooting as Elvis and Marilyn. She dubs the project: “Evilyn Presroe.” See, Tyra doesn’t need a man: she can be her own

Lenox is scared of not being able to embody the “sexiest woman alive”. If it’s any consolation to you Lenox, Marilyn Monroe is dead. Guess you only have the necrophiliacs to impress!

Will is also apprehensive about taking on the studly Elvis Presley. Even though his first few minutes on set are spent getting coached by Yu Tsai, he manages to hit solid poses by the end. 

Shei is confident that she is sexier than Lenox. When she steps on set however, Yu Tsai warns her about being overbearing. Tyra doesn’t feel the connection between Shei and the audience of people watching the shoot.

Surprised by Shei’s performance on set, Lenox is hoping to please. Even though she tries to uphold the sexiness of Marilyn, Lenox still has some lack of confidence in front of the camera. Yu Tsai wastes no time critiquing Lenox and tirelessly mocking her.

The Seven-Year Bitch

There’s an itch you just can’t scratch (out)! Luckily, Lenox ignores the crabby consultant and gets some decent shots.

Backstage, Adam is confident in his ability to portray Elvis. “I’m from Memphis too,” he boasts. “I have the Elvis blood in my veins,”amongst other things...

Whatever is coursing through his veins seems to be enough for this shoot. When Adam hops on set, he “entertains” the crowd and impresses the photographer. Must be those blue suede (steel) shoes

Being the last one to shoot has shaken Keith’s confidence. He is greeted by the usual Yu Tsai tirade, but Keith zones out the noise to hit some strong poses. Still, that is not enough for Yu Tsai. “If you were doing it, I wouldn’t be yelling at you!” Woah, there Yu Tsai. I don’t want to hear about your sex life…

After the shoot, Tyra announces that the shoot was an interesting look at the final five and after this judging panel, only four models will be in the finale where they will walk in an avart-garde fashion show. 


Tyra loves the relationship between Adam and the audience. Kelly agrees and compares him to “porcelain”. He receives two 10s and a 9.

There is some disconnect between Shei’s “mature” look and the sexiness of her pose. Tyra thinks there should be “a little more spark, a little more fire, a little more*strange gurgling noise*”. In the end, Shei gets two 7s and an 8.

There isn’t much of a “commanding presence” in Will’s photograph. Tyra likes the pose and awards him a 9. Kelly doesn’t think it’s memorable and he gets a 7 and 8.

There is no “sex appeal” in Lenox’s photograph. Because she “kicked ass on set”, Tyra hands her a 9. Miss Jay is less pleased with it and she gets a 7 and 8.

There is no neck” in Keith’s picture. Tyra thinks there is a “regression” in his work and he gets a 7. Kelly loves the energy and Miss Jay doesn’t feel the connection. He gets an 8 and 9.

"Now the judges and I will add up these scores and see who will still be in the running toward becoming America's Next Top Model."

"I only have 4 photos in my hands. And these photos represent the four finalists that will walk in an avant-garde fashion show. The model with the best score, and who is the first finalist, is..."

ADAM (41.8)

KEITH (39.2)

WILL (37.8)

"Shei and Lenox, you two have the lowest scores. With a score of 37.2 to 36.6, the girl that will remain in this competition is..."


With only four models left, it is anyone’s game. With just a Guess shoot and fashion show in the way, who will become America’s Next Top Model? Tune in to a special two-hour finale to find out. Until then!

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