Monday, March 9, 2015

Estonia's Next Top Model Cycle 3 12th & 13th Episode : Underwater Fabric & Portraying Celebrities

Episode 12
Original Airdate : March 5, 2015
Photo Shoot : Underwater Fabric






The concept is really good here, but they literally all look like they are drowning.. Such a shame because the photography is really beautiful but the models doesn't deliver... I only like Hendrik and Aule... Unfortunately Liise did the worst...

Photo Shoot : Portraying Celebrities

Aule - Clara Bow

Gerili - Madonna

Hendrik - David Bowie

Katja - Marylin Monroe

Liise - Brigitte Bardot

First call out : Katja
Call out order : Aule, Hendrik
Bottom two : Gerili & Liise
Eliminated : Gerili

Finally the weakest link got the boot... Aule, Hendrik and Liise has modeling potential and ability far more better than her... Even Katja who has better performance this week... The photo shoot this week was great! Estonia keep getting better but unfortunately the models performance really weak... 

Episode 13
Original Airdate : March 5, 2015

Episode 13 was the recap episode.

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