Sunday, May 24, 2015

China's Next Top Model Cycle 5 1st Episode : Colorful Editorial

Original Airdate : May 21, 2015

Photo Shoot : Colorful Editorial

Ha Sheng

Hao Ting

Jiang Ying

Li Xue

Ling Yun

Meng Ting

Ren Chuan

Si Jia

Si Qi

Tian Long

Wang Meng

Xian Xia

Yi Chen

Yu Ting

Zhen Zhen

Zhuo Nun

First call out : Si Jia
Call out order : Tian Long, Hao Ting, Xian Xia, Li Xue, Yi Chen, Si Qi, Ling Yun, Ha Sheng, Meng Ting, Wang Meng, Zhen Zhen, Zhuo Nun
Bottom three : Ren Chuan, Yu Ting, Jiang Ying
Eliminated : Yu Ting & Jiang Ying

Good start for ChiNTM Cycle 5! The photo shoot looks simple and the styling was great... The models performance was good for first photo shoot.. I think from this photo shoot we can tell that the girls already slay the boys, some of the look really stunning like Li Xue, Si Jia, Si Qi and Xian Xia... Keep up the great job ChiNTM!

Source: M for Model

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