Friday, July 17, 2015

China's Next Top Model Cycle 5 9th Episode : Waking Up Underwater

China Next Top Model Cycle 5 9th Episode : Waking Up Underwater Photo Shoot & Fashion Films

Photo Shoot : Waking Up Underwater

Hao Ting

Li Xue

Ren Chuan

Si Jia

Si Qi

Xian Xia

Fashion Films

Hao Ting

Li Xue

Ren Chuan

Si Jia

Si Qi

Xian Xia

First call out : Si jia
Call out order : Xian Xia, Hao Ting, Li Xue
Bottom two : Si Qi & Ren Chuan
Eliminated : 
Si Qi

What a mess photo shoot!! Everyone really struggled during the shoot though.. This just a bad shot.. I only like Xian Xia to be honest.. I blame the photographer because he just bad and never deliver a great shot in the competition (he's also the one who took jungle and toys photo shoot).. Hopefull he get fired soon!! 

Source: M for Models

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